About the Minor
The Rice360 Institute for Global Health Technologies collaborates with multiple departments to offer students a minor in Global Health Technologies (GLHT). The minor is open to Rice undergraduate students from all disciplines and requires completion of seven courses, including five core courses and two electives. The final course required of students is a capstone course, Global Health Design Challenges, in which multidisciplinary teams of undergraduate students work together to design and implement solutions to existing global health challenges in low-resource settings. Students benefit from receiving guidance and mentorship from Rice faculty and graduate students as well as from the Texas Medical Center, partner organizations in developing countries, and clinicians to design low-cost, effective health technologies.
Students begin the minor by taking GLHT 201: Introduction to Global Health, which provides an overview of scientific, economic, and policy issues associated with advances in global health technologies, followed by an introductory design course, GLHT 360: Appropriate Design for Global Health. The subsequent core course is selected by the student from a collection of approved courses. The final two courses include GLHT 451 and GLHT 452, Global Health Challenges I and II respectively, which are taken in a two-semester sequence. Elective courses include a range of subjects. Courses such as Immunology, Health Economics, Medical Chemistry, or Health Policy, provide students experience in engineering and social sciences as applied to international health challenges.
Interested in the Minor?
Join us for a walk-in advising session during advising weeks! We will be in O'Connor Hall, Room 306 from 9-11 am CT on April 8, 2025.
Requirements for the Minor
A full overview of the minor can be found on Rice University’s General Announcements page.
Meet the Minor Advisors
GLHT minor advisors are available to help you with questions regarding the minor or other opportunities for students with Rice360.
- Michelle Nodskov | michelle.nodskov@rice.edu
- Meaghan Bond | meaghan.mc.bond@rice.edu
- Kiara Lee | kiara.lee@rice.edu