Intern Blogs

Hear more from each of our summer interns by navigating through the sites above.

Each summer, interns travel from their home country and spend 8 weeks at host institutions in South America, Africa, or the US. Students work in interdisciplinary, multi-institutional teams to design innovative global health solutions that account for both regional and resource constraints.

Coming into this internship, I knew that I was interested in global health. However, six weeks later, I knew with certainty that the impact made by these projects is so incredible that I can’t see myself doing anything but global health work in my career. Not only did I gain hands-on experience (and I mean hands-on: sawing, drilling, and even crawling headfirst into an oil drum to install UV lightbulbs) that equipped me well for future engineering projects, but I also formed unique relationships, professional connections, deep and continuing friendships with the other interns, and even a new friend from Malawi. I now feel like a real engineer—and not only that but an engineer fueled by a genuine passion for serving others around the world.

– Vanessa Garlepp, '22, Bioengineering Major and Global Health Technologies and Biochemistry Minor

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