Polyvent is a free-libre open-source mechanical ventilator platform designed for education and research now and a basis for fully functional medical ventilators in the future. Dr... READ MORE

Carrie NoxonJune 17, 2024

Rice360 Speaker Series | Malaria and Madagascar

Benjamin Rice, Ph.D., from Princeton University, spoke about The Ecology of Infectious Diseases in a Changing World: Coronaviruses, Malaria, & Madagascar at Rice360 Institute for Globa.. READ MORE

Carrie NoxonJune 17, 2024


International Women's Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8, bringing attention to women’s rights, gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against wo.. READ MORE

This spring, Rice360 hosted a panel discussion on how bias and racism impact maternal healthcare, the status of African American maternal health in Texas/the U.S., and how healthcare providers and.. READ MORE

Rice University bioengineers have shown that improvements made to the testing consumables for a low-cost, point-of-care test system for total serum bilirubin (TSB), an indicator of jaundice in newb.. READ MORE

The Center for Innovation and Translation of POC Technologies for Equitable Cancer Care (CITEC) is an international collaboration between engineers, oncologists, and global health partners from Ric.. READ MORE

On February 20, the Center for Innovation and Translation of Point-of-Care Technologies for Equitable Cancer Care (CITEC) announced its solicitation of 2-3 sub-awards for a total of $150,000 USD fo.. READ MORE

Carrie NoxonJune 14, 2024

Introducing the Rice360 Global Health Fellows

Mary Seifu.. READ MORE